Personal Computers
Laptops are purchased through departments. Requests for short-term loans of equipment while replacements are ordered by departments or repairs are completed are placed using an online Equipment Request form.
Ordering a Computer
The College has implemented a Computer Deployment Plan (CDP). This plan covers the majority of operational departments at MCC. If your department is under this program please contact one of the following Liaisons to assist you:
- Academic Services, Terry Keys @ ext.3432
- Administrative Services, Mike Quinn @ ext. 2151
- Technology Services, Scott Broberg @ ext. 3289
- Student Services, Christine Accorso @ ext. 2123
Information on Ordering a Printer
CNS recommends that printers that are being purchased have built-in network connectivity to serve multiple users. When your department is ready to purchase a printer please check with your area’s technology liaison to help determine your department needs. You can then review the recommended printers suggested by CNS by going to the M: drive following the path below:
Once you have chosen the printer that will suit your needs, contact Purchasing to order your printer. After the printer has been ordered, purchased, and received contact CNS for set up and installation, 585-292-TECH (8324), option 3.
New Computer/Peripheral Equipment Installation
Shipping and Receiving delivers all new personal computers to the CNS Department. Other peripheral devices are usually delivered to the department that ordered it. Once delivered contact Employee Technical Support to place a request to have your equipment set up.
CNS does not set up equipment for people in their home but they can be called for instructions and assistance via Zoom or telephone. A technician will work with you to install the equipment.
Troubleshooting and Repair
If you are experiencing problems with your computer or any of its peripheral equipment, you should call our Technology Support Line extension 8324 (TECH) and follow the prompts that apply to you. A technician will work with you to resolve the problem through Zoom, over the telephone, or through remote access to your computer.
Cascade Computers for Academic Services
Personal computers that were previously in a classroom, lab, or learning center are cascaded to faculty members or other members of the Academic Services Division through the college's cascade program. A faculty member should request a computer upgrade through their department head. Additionally, we monitor computer equipment through numerous reports and will provide cascaded computers when available.
Once we have prepared the computer for redeployment, we will set up an appointment with you to install. Prior to delivery and set-up, we ask you to contact Employee Technical Support to setup OneDrive and sync any files stored on your device to your OneDrive and notify us of any special software required on your computer.
Upgrade Software
If your computer needs additional software loaded or the operating system needs upgrading, please call the Technology Support Line extension 8324 (TECH) and follow the prompts that apply to you. Some software can be loaded remotely by the technician. If it cannot be loaded remotely, a job ticket will be written and assigned to a technician who will schedule an appointment with you to do the upgrade.
In addition, we monitor computer software and operating systems through numerous reports and will, depending on workload, attempt to be proactive in upgrading your computer's operating system if we see it is below minimum standards.
Service for an Employee Relocating
If you are planning to move an employee to another office within the same department, please submit a request at through the link below to ensure desktop services will be available in the new location. These requests need the acknowledgement of your department head, and 10 days prior notice for scheduling purposes.
Please do not unplug and move the PC and peripherals. We will do this for you. If your telephone is also being moved, please note this in the Description field and submit a separate Technology Support Requests under the Telephone and Directory Services category. Your PC and telephone will be moved at the same time.
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Building 4-110
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-TECH (8324)
Downtown Campus
4th Floor, Room 474
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-TECH (8324)